Showing: 1 - 10 of 10 Articles

The Pursuit of Happiness Does Not Require Feet (A Brief Thought About Life)

Those of us living in the United States have enshrined in our founding documents the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness, a concept that has older roots in European philosophers such as John Locke.  These documents, of course, provide not the slightest bit of instruction about how to embark upon this pursuit, wisely leaving …

Installement 2 of “The Masai Part I: A Glimpse of Gender, Sexuality, and Spirituality in the Loita Masai” is now up!

The Masai Part I: A Glimpse of Gender, Sexuality, and Spirituality in the Loita Masai (installment 2) This is the second installment of part I, covering divisions of labor, ownership rights, and authority by age and sex in Masai society.

“The Masai: Introduction” and “A Glimpse of Gender, Sexuality, and Spirituality in the Loita Masai” Are Both Now Up and Working

Unfortunately my two most recent blog posts on the Masai blacked out over at Mother Nature Obeyed shortly after posting the second one.  But they are now up and running!  Theoretically, the site error is permanently fixed. Enjoy! The Masai: Introduction The Masai Part I: A Glimpse of Gender, Sexuality, and Spirituality in the Loita …

Addiction to Noise and Stimulation (A Brief Thought About Life)

Stephan provides some interesting insights about the ability for overstimulating food to dull our senses and contribute to addiction, in which he expands the concept to stimulation from other sources such as drugs and video games, and notes the powerful effect that meditation can have in reversing these effects: Simple Food: Thoughts on Practicality I …

Can Christians Be Paleo? Christianity, Faith, Evidence, Dobzhansky, Evolution, and More

Jimmy Moore recently raised the question, “Can a Christian Follow A Paleo Low-Carb Diet?”  He raised the question because he has received emails from people who find it difficult to answer why God created grains if they are bad for us, why God put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden eating a vegetarian diet if we are not …

The Importance of Humility in Science — A Philosophical Musing For the Weekend

Socrates once said, “All I know is that I know nothing.” Centuries later, St. Paul, the great expounder of Christian theology, ethics, and mysticism, said that “any man who says he knows something does not yet know as he ought.” A very wise faculty member and department head of a science program I once spoke …