How a negative PCR test can serve as a marker for systemic inflammation and spike protein toxicity, creating a widely exploited statistical anomaly to make misleading claims about hospitalization. This is not medical advice. See full disclaimer at the bottom. All of the below only makes sense when we realize that virtually every report we …
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Test-Negative Case Control Studies Are a Scam
Test-negative case control studies are abundant in the era of COVID, and are the primary type of observational study used to calculate vaccine efficacy. As reviewed here, this design was first used in in 1980 for the pneumococcal vaccine. Its use rapidly increased in the last decade, and since 2011 it has been the design …
Releasing Iron in Long-COVID: Copper, Fasting, and Cooling Inflammation
Last week I published two articles on iron, one suggesting it could play a role in post-COVID fatigue and hair loss, and the second suggesting it could play a nearly identical role in the same symptoms when resulting from COVID vaccination. In these posts I did not recommend indiscriminate iron supplementation. Rather, I suggested it …
The Pandemic of PCR-Negative COVID-Like Illness
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and this is not medical advice. My goal is to empower you with information. I will not take a position on whether you should or should not get vaccinated. Please make this decision yourself, consulting sources you trust, including a caring health care professional. In late October, the …