Question: What to do when different folate markers don’t line up? You know, if you have high figlu on the NutrEval, which is Formiminoglutamic acid, which rises when there is Tetrahydrofolate THF, unmethylated folate, to metabolize figlu, and in that case, I would be thinking about maybe you have a B12 deficiency that is leading …
Can sulforaphane hurt the thyroid? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #219
Question: Can sulforaphane hurt the thyroid? What I can say is that sulforaphane does generate thiocyanate ions, which do inhibit uptake of iodine into the thyroid and mammary glands. Although that is a matter of the ratio between isothiocyanate, or between thiocyanate ions and iodine. And so in principle, most uses of sulforaphane, in the …
Are the PUFAs in phosphatidylcholine supplements a concern? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #218
Question: Are the PUFAs in phosphatidylcholine supplements a concern? I don’t think so. I think that you’re looking at fairly low levels of PUFAs in there, but the way that I see it is yes, we want to restrict PUFA beyond what’s needed, but what’s needed is defined by what do we need to get …
Is dairy safe for overmethylators? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #217
Question: Is dairy safe for overmethylators? There’s so little methylcobalamin in milk that I think that it is totally insignificant with regards to methyl groups, coming into the methylation cycle. Generally, if you’re experiencing over-methylation symptoms from methylcobalamin or methylfolate, I think the big issue is partly that you don’t have enough glycine in the …
Should different macronutrients be eaten at different times of day? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #216
Question: Should different macronutrients be eaten at different times of day? No, I don’t agree with the principle. I think you want protein spaced out at every meal. And that’s because your efficiency in extracting protein for muscle synthesis is limited in any given hour or any given unit time. And so you need a …
Is it OK to take two milligrams a day of MK-4? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #215
Question: Is it OK to take two milligrams a day of MK-4? Two milligrams, I don’t have major safety concerns over, but I would prefer for most people who aren’t dealing with a clinical soft-tissue calcification issue take more like 200 micrograms. If you would like to be part of the next live Ask Me …