Question: Long-term shortness of breath after COVID-19: do I need iron? I don’t think there’s any evidence that iron fuels COVID-19. And it’s pretty clear that the systemic inflammation is driving dysregulation of iron in a way that hurts oxygen delivery. So it’s very clear that low oxygen delivery is a major feature of COVID. …
Are liposomal supplements really superior? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #123
Question: Are liposomal supplements really superior? I doubt it. So I think the evidence indicates that liposomes don’t survive digestion unless they are pegylated, which means that they have polyethylene glycol that’s attached to the liposome to protect them from digestion. There are a number of other such modifications that can be made, but I …
Vitamin K and COVID-19
August 16, 2020 Researchers from The Netherlands released a preprint* on April 25 that they then revised on May 29 suggesting that vitamin K, especially in the form vitamin K2, may benefit the lungs in severe COVID-19. What They Studied Their analysis included 134 subjects hospitalized for COVID-19 between March 12 and April 11. Their …
Treatment of COVID-19 With High-Dose Zinc: 4 Cases
August 15, 2020 Disclaimer: None of this is medical advice. See the more detailed disclaimer at the bottom of this page. I was an early advocate for zinc in the context of COVID-19, having first recommended it on March 17 inĀ The Food and Supplement Guide for the CoronavirusĀ and providing detailed justifications for zinc dosing in …
Five New Vitamin D and COVID-19 Studies
August 14, 2020 Since I last wrote about vitamin D at the end of May, five new studies have been released on the topic. Can Genetics Shed Light on Whether the Association Is Causal? Yesterday, a Mendelian randomization study was released as a preprint* that, in the words of the authors, “did not show any …
Why would I develop shortness of breath on a carnivore diet? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #122
Question: Why would I develop shortness of breath on a carnivore diet? That can happen in scurvy. So given that vitamin C is one of the higher-risk nutrients on a carnivore diet, that would be the first thing that I would look at. I’m glad it was short-lived. I think it’s possible that there are …