Does Exposure to Animals Provide Immunity to COVID-19?

A peer-reviewed paper published in Nature today using subjects from Singapore provided three key findings: All of the 36 subjects who had recovered from mild or severe COVID-19 had virus-specific T-cells. All of the 23 subjects who had recovered from SARS 17 years ago still produced T cells specific to SARS, and in all cases they …

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Low Potassium Levels in COVID-19

An Italian paper released as a preprint* on June 18 documented a very high rate of hypokalemia, or low blood levels of potassium, among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Among 290 hospitalized but non-critical COVID-19 patients, 41% had hypokalemia. In roughly a third of them, urinary potassium was measured. In that subset, 96% of the patients had …

New Insights Into Clotting and COVID-19

In the six days since my last newsletter, five interesting studies were published providing some insights on COVID-19 and blood clotting. Deep Vein Thrombosis Is Very Common in Moderate to Severe Cases The first is a preprint* released on June 14 suggesting that clotting is an even more frequent problem in COVID-19 than we might …