Are there safety concerns in supplementing in those with MTHFR polymorphisms? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #97

Question: Are there safety concerns in supplementing cyanocobalamin rather methylcobalamin in those with MTHFR polymorphisms? If you’re concerned about methylation-related issues, you would want to be careful with methylcobalamin supplementation in a way that you would not need to be careful about hydroxocobalamin supplementation. If you don’t have a specific methylation-related goal, then I think …

ACE2 Explains Why Smoking Leads to Worse COVID-19 Outcomes [COVID-19 Updates]

A new study (as with virtually all circulating information on COVID-19, not yet peer-reviewed), shows that ACE2 can easily explain why smoking is correlated with worse outcomes in COVID-19. Background ACE2 is an enzyme whose normal role in our physiology is to lower our blood pressure, and to prevent damage to tissues from fibrosis (laying …

What about pyroluria and measuring kryptopyrroles? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #96

Question: What about pyroluria and measuring kryptopyrroles? I think it’s fairly harmless to increase zinc and B6 as a test of whether that’s true and see if you get results from it. But I wouldn’t treat it like a diagnostic value because no one has followed up any science on that disorder in the decades …

How to manage blood levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. | Masterjohn Q&A Files #95

Question: How to manage blood levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. I don’t specifically want to look at the omega-3-to-omega-6 ratio. The AA/EPA ratio, I do not believe in wanting to get it low enough to prevent inflammation. I don’t believe in using it that way. But I do believe that if it were …