Would a seasonally low vitamin D intake and high calcium intake cause soft tissue calcification? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #105

Question: Would a seasonally low vitamin D intake and high calcium intake cause soft tissue calcification?  Chris: The end of this question is would the calcium simply be excreted due to the low vitamin D levels. Your vitamin D level being low, the first thing that’s going to do and the major thing that’s going …

If PTH is mid-normal, do I need a calcium supplement? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #71

Question:  If PTH is mid-normal, do I need a calcium supplement? I’m assuming that by midrange you mean it’s 30. If you mean it’s 40, then no, you’re deficient or you’re probably deficient. You need to test how you respond. But what I would say is, it would still be good for you to try …

Do you have any recommendations on how to get enough calcium on a low-carb, no-dairy diet? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #56

  Question: “Do you have any recommendations on how to get enough calcium on a low-carb, no-dairy diet? I’ve read that vegetables provide calcium, but bioavailability is poor.” The bioavailability of calcium from different vegetables is highly dependent on the specific vegetables.  Cruciferous vegetables have very good bioavailability. It’s better than from milk. Spinach has …

Why would a male have low blood levels of calcium? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #16

  Question: “Why would a male be low in calcium?” You either have something wrong with parathyroid hormone governing your calcium levels, in which case you would want to see a doctor about that, or you have a long-going deficiency of related nutrients.  Not enough calcium and not enough vitamin D should not cause low …

Heart palpitations as a result of vitamin K2 supplementation and whether increasing calcium intake could help | Masterjohn Q&A Files #13

Question: “Vitamin K2, MK-4 and MK-7, might have caused prolonged heart palpitations. Upon stopping it, symptoms mostly resolved after a week or so. Does that mean that the body is better off without it? Might increasing calcium intake mitigate this?” I would say, the calcium is really interesting. I genuinely hadn’t thought of that until …