When Fat Burns In the Flame of Lean Muscle Mass — Better Put That Butter Either on Steak or Potatoes

My last post was political and got 17 comments just in the first six hours.  I suppose that means I’m due for another post about religion, or one about sex.  Given Stephan Guyenet’s recent post about the dangers of hyperpalatability, though, I’m inclined to obey the proverb “don’t take too much honey” and delicately sprinkle …

Let Us Honor Ancel Keys, Our Patron, As We Cherry Pick Studies to Bash Fructose (Revised and Extended)

My apologies to anyone who received this in their RSS feed on Thursday as a teaser.  I have now revised and extended it to include several studies showing that diet-induced obesity can be achieved in rats and mice without using any sugar at all, and have included a clearer conclusion. Ancel Keys is best known …

New Fatty Liver Study Shows that Carbohydrate Restriction Causes Statistical Anomalies

A new study claims to show that carbohydrate restriction is superior to calorie restriction at improving fatty liver disease: Browning JD, Baker JA, Rogers T, Davis J, Satapati S, Burgess SC.  Short-term weight loss and hepatic triglyceride reduction: evidence of a metabolic advantage with dietary carbohydrate restriction.  Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 In this study …

Getting Better Sleep — Cool, Dark, And Lots of B6, Carbs, Calories, and Fat

Chris Kresser and Paul Jaminet recently posted some sleeping tips.  A lot of other great bloggers write about sleep too, like Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf, and Stephan Guyenet.  I think sleep is really important, and I’ve had a lot of sleeping problems in the past, some of which I still occasionally struggle with, so I’m going to …

Genes, LDL-Cholesterol Levels, and the Central Role of LDL Receptor Activity In Heart Disease

Are high concentrations of LDL-cholesterol a major cause of heart disease?  If we are a proponent of the “lipid hypothesis,” we say yes.  If we are a “cholesterol skeptic,” we say no — total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, LDL particles, triglycerides, and other blood lipids have little or nothing to do with heart disease. I believe both of these positions …