Recommendations for peripheral neuropathy | Masterjohn Q&A Files #24

Question: “Any recommendations for peripheral neuropathy? Testing vitamin B, lion’s mane?” First of all, there is no such thing as vitamin B. I’m not trying to be a nitpick, but there’s literally almost a dozen B vitamins, with different tests, that do different things. So, I think it’s important to establish a habit of never …

My Response to Garrett Smith About My Health

Doctor Garrett Smith, ND, a naturopath, recently purported to analyze my health, making inferences from blog posts, pictures, and comments I’ve made on the internet, concluding that I am suffering from vitamin A toxicity. Smith runs a “comprehensive Poison/’Vitamin A’ Detox program” and lists an invitation to contact his office to work with him as …

Ask Us Anything About Sports Nutrition with Chad Macias, Danny Lennon, and Alex Leaf, May 25, 2019

On May 25, members of the CMJ Masterpass joined me, Chad Macias, Danny Lennon, and Alex Leaf in a live Zoom meeting to ask us anything about sports nutrition, and here’s the full recording! We talk about things like: Is there a risk of depleting histidine with beta-alanine supplementation? What’s the best form of fuel …