Search Results

Values are reported as g/100g food for for solids and g/100ml food for liquids. Values are reported as the mean ± the standard error wherever that information has been reported. T, temperature. NM, not measured.

ox heart, boiled for 10 minutes

      • Creatine content= 0.3
      • Category:   Meats, Fish, and Offal
      • Notes: Change recorded during prolonged heating at 98°C or 208.4°F of homogenates prepared from 150 to 300 mg of meat in 1 ml of water.
      • Reference: Harris RC, Lowe JA, Warnes K, Orme CE. The concentration of creatine in meat, offal and commercial dog food. Res Vet Sci. 1997; 62:58-62.