Values are reported as g/100g food for for solids and g/100ml food for liquids. Values are reported as the mean ± the standard error wherever that information has been reported. T, temperature. NM, not measured.
lamb, after cooking at 158°F for 90 minutes
- Creatine content= 0.3
- Category: Meats, Fish, and Offal
- Notes: Samples were obtained from Texel-cross lambs (one ewe and seven rams) aged approximately 7 months at slaughter, and were raised and finished on a pasture-only diet after being weaned at an age of approximately 13 weeks. Concentrations on an uncooked weight basis. Number of samples: 8.
- Reference: Purchas R.W. Concentrations in beef and lamb of taurine, carnosine, coenzyme Q10, and creatine. Meat Sci. 2004; 66(3):629-37.