Values are reported as g/100g food for for solids and g/100ml food for liquids. Values are reported as the mean ± the standard error wherever that information has been reported. T, temperature. NM, not measured.
bovine liver
- Creatine content= 0.02
- Category: Meats, Fish, and Offal
- Notes: Concentrations of all components are calculated on the wet tissue (the weight of the fresh food before any cooking, drying, or other processing).
- Reference: Laser Reuterswärd A, Skog K, & Jägerstad M. Mutagenicity of pan-fried bovine tissues in relation to their content of creatine, creatinine, monosaccharides and free amino acids. Food Chem Toxicol. 1987; Vol. 25, No. 10, pp. 755-76.