Search Results

Values are reported as g/100g food for for solids and g/100ml food for liquids. Values are reported as the mean ± the standard error wherever that information has been reported. T, temperature. NM, not measured.

beef steak, surface part, cooked at 140°F

      • Creatine content= 0.4
      • Category:   Meats, Fish, and Offal
      • Notes: Originally creatine is 1132mg/100g dry matter. “Dry matter” means they took all the water out and the food is completely dried. And so, we converted the mean data to g/100g of food for it to be coveniently available and easily be referred to by people who are cooking at home. Water content of cooked meat on the surface part of the sample is 62.3%. So with this on hand dry matter is calculated to be 37.7%. With these on hand, we converted the original data and came up with a creatine measurement in grams per 100g of food. Number of samples: 6.
      • Reference: Purchas RW, Rutherfurd SM, Pearce PD, Vather R, Wilkinson BHP. Cooking temperature effects on the forms of iron and levels of several other compounds in beef semitendinosus muscle. Meat Sci. 2004; 68:201-207.