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Values are reported as g/100g food for for solids and g/100ml food for liquids. Values are reported as the mean ± the standard error wherever that information has been reported. T, temperature. NM, not measured.

beef steak gravy (juice from cooked meat), cooked at 473°F

      • Creatine content= 0.1
      • Category:   Seasonings, Spices, and Dressings
      • Notes: Originally creatine is 67 µmol/g dry matter in the paper. “Dry matter” means they took all the water out and the food is completely dried. And so, we converted the mean data to g/100g of food for it to be coveniently available and easily be referred to by people who are cooking at home. Raw meat were found to have a total creatine content of 0.45% of wet tissue. We used to determine the gravy's water percentage. From the latter data, we calculated that the sample's dry matter is 12.5% dry matter. We used the % dry matter came up with the creatine measurement of the gravy in grams per 100ml of food.
      • Reference: Laser Reuterswärd A1, Skog K, & J ägerstad M. Effects of creatine and creatinine content on the mutagenic activity of meat extracts, bouillons and gravies from different sources. Food Chem Toxicol. 1987; (10):747-54.