Ready to Start Learning?

If you want to learn more about me or my credentials, you can read more about me here.

I have some amazing things to offer you!

Vitamins and Minerals 101 is my new, free, 30-day course that covers the basics of each nutrient, including why it’s important, how to get it from food, how to know if you need more, when you should think about supplementing, and concerns for special diets or special populations. You can get it delivered by Facebook Messenger or email. The Messenger version is taught by Chris Masterbot, my baby bot, is more interactive, and has more jokes and emojis. This requires no background beyond high school and is made for the beginner, but even many experts find it a great refresher and find little golden nuggets in each lesson. Sign up for free at

I'm working very hard right now to turn this into a book, and to help fund this effort I'm offering premium features on the class for free to those who pre-order the book.

Until I finish the book, the main content I'm putting out is The Masterjohn Q&A Files Monday through Friday, with occasional gaps when I fall behind. These are answers to individual questions taken from recordings of much longer private Q&A sessions held between me and members of the CMJ Masterpass. These have been on hiatus for a while, but we are now having monthly Q&A sessions once again, so the Q&A Files will be back up and running within a week or two. I am also regularly updating my COVID-19 Research Updates Newsletter.

Right now, I'm focusing especially on building the exclusive discount program within the Masterpass into something that allows anyone with significant health and wellness expenditures to save lots of money, easily saving far more than the membership fee. Check out the full list of discounts here.

Before I was working on the book, I was putting out “Chris Masterjohn Lite,” twice a week, a show where the episodes are between 3 and 10 minutes long and focus on short, practical, health-related tips. Check out the latest episodes. Or, get notified when new episodes come out.

I was also putting out an episode of Mastering Nutrition almost once a week, a show that takes a 2-3-hour deep dive into a particular topic. Check out the latest episodes. Or, get notified when new episodes come out.

Intermittently, I publish articles on a variety of health topics. Check out the latest articles. Or, get notified when new episodes come out.

I have several amazingly useful searchable databases. Every once in a while I stumble onto something important I want to look for in foods that isn't in the USDA nutritional database. What do I do? I make my own database!

That's what I did for…

I even made a free calculator that will take your genetic profile and tell you how much choline you should get per day: The Choline Genetic Calculator.

Check those out with the links above. To get notified when I come out with a new one, sign up for my occasional newsletter.

Once in a blue moon, I decide to make the most comprehensive resource imaginable on a particular nutrient.

That's what I did for…

I occasionally publish protocols for dealing with health problems or “Start Here” pages to provide excellent introductions to certain health topics. For example:

To get notified when I come out with a comprehensive resource, protocol, or start here page, sign up for my occasional newsletter.

If you want something more comprehensive and organized, consider these two resources:

Vitamins and Minerals 101, my 30-day course mentioned above.

The Food and Supplement Guide for the Coronavirus, my most up-do-date conclusions from my COVID-19 research on how nutrition can impact disease prevention.

Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet. I've been through the pain and suffering of embracing a diet because I *thought* it was healthy, only for it to wreck my body and mind. I've been through the path of healing, only to make the mistakes of thinking that what worked best for me would work for everyone, and that what I did to heal would be something I would need to do forever. I've learned the hard way that each of us is unique, and that we all change with time. Your needs are not mine, mine are not what they were ten years ago, and yours won’t be in ten years what they are now. That’s why we need a recipe to know exactly what’s missing, what’s there in excess, and what’s out of balance. It is my mission to empower you to know exactly what your body needs, and to make exactly the right decisions to nourish it. Make the cheat sheet your secret weapon, and get your copy at

Want more? Search the site! There's plenty to find.

In health,