O Solid Fat, turn not thy face from thy Lord, for my budget is in trouble. In “Fructose, Public Policy, and the Low-Fat Reeducation Camp,” I made the following prediction: If they come for our fructose, they will come for our fat next. It seems that Denmark has provided some evidence for this postulate by …
Ned Kock Provides a Philosophical Breakthrough on Fruit
In retrospect, I don’t know why this wasn’t obvious to me years ago, but my hindsight is really the only thing that didn’t start failing me when I turned 17 and my opthamologist told me I was “just getting older.” Ned Kock recently provided me with a philosophical breakthrough on fruit, buried in a post …
Fructose, Public Policy, and The Low-Fat Re-Education Camp (Short Post)
Here’s another short post in honor of my readers with ADHD. One subject that came up in Dr. Lustig’s recent interview on “Sugar and Health” is the need to formulate public policy in order to reduce fructose consumption. I think, as advocates of real traditional foods that will invariably have differing political dispositions, we need to …
Let Us Honor Ancel Keys, Our Patron, As We Cherry Pick Studies to Bash Fructose (Revised and Extended)
My apologies to anyone who received this in their RSS feed on Thursday as a teaser. I have now revised and extended it to include several studies showing that diet-induced obesity can be achieved in rats and mice without using any sugar at all, and have included a clearer conclusion. Ancel Keys is best known …
My New Wise Traditions Article on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
I have a new article on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease appearing in the outgoing issue of Wise Traditions, and the online version just went up on the web site: Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease — A Silent Epidemic of Nutritional Imbalance The article contains a lot of information that I’ve already posted on this blog, but …
The Sweet Truth About Liver and Egg Yolks — Choline Matters More to Fatty Liver Than Sugar, Alcohol, or Fat
In a recent post, I pointed out that perhaps as many as 100 million Americans have some degree of fatty liver disease. Why? Alcohol has been blamed since the 1800s, but we currently have an epidemic of nonalcoholic fatty liver. Some researchers, such as Dr. Robert Lustig, are making the case against fructose. Naturally, the nutritional establishment …
High-Fructose Corn Syrup is Sweet Poison, Honey Is Yummy — Against “Pulling a Campbell”
I’m sure you’ve seen the commercials. A spiffy salesman walks on screen, smiles, and says “Hi, I’m from the Corn Refiners Association, and I’m here to sell you the new American Dream. You can have all the degenerative diseases of modern civilization in a package deal so cheap it’s practically free. All you have to pay …
Does Your Liver Look Like an Eskimo’s Dinner? Fatty Liver is a Silent Epidemic
Does your liver look like this? All those white bubbles are fat droplets. I’m busier than a bumblebee right now, so unfortunately the high-fructose corn syrup post is going to have to wait till Tuesday. Today I’ll make a quick post about fatty liver disease. Someone on the Facebook version of this blog posed the …