My focus for the last six years or so on the need to balance vitamin D with vitamins A and K2 has turned out to be a rather prudish solution to the soft tissue calcification that can often be caused by vitamin D. While a concoction of A and K may hold you up on …
Gary Taubes on Cherry-Picking and Paradigm Shifts (A Brief Thought on Science)
Warning: A Serious Blog Post Occurs Somewhere Below Some controversy recently erupted in the Twitter-sphere when a number of us including Dave Dixon and Dallas Hartwig were recently discussing Denise Minger’s angular hypothesis of atherosclerosis, in which she proposed that increased concentrations of serum bananas and increased concentrations of other plasma constituents with pointy ends or sharp edges penetrate the …
The Awesomest Paleo Book Ever
I wasn’t going to reveal this until next year, but I’ve been inspired by Melissa McEwen’s recent review of the worst paleo book ever to reveal my plans to unleash the awesomest paleo book ever in the spring of 2012. In fact, the more I reveal about this book in coming blog posts, the more and …
In Favor of Neolithic Role Playing and Reenactment
This post is a tribute to John Durant, Melissa McEwen, and Stephan Guyenet, each of whom brought a whopping pile of curiosity, friendship, and comradery to the 2010 Wise Traditions conference. Stephan also brought a whopping pile of genius, which he injected into his excellent presentation on traditional diets in the Pacific islands, showing that …
New Study Shows that Lying About Your Hamburger Intake Prevents Disease and Death When You Eat a Low-Carb Diet High in Carbohydrates
A few readers alerted me to a new study claiming that a plant-based, low-carb “Eco-Atkins” diet is associated with a lower risk of mortality and disease, while an animal-based low-carb diet is associated with an increased risk of mortality and disease, as well as an editorial by Dean Ornish in the Huffington Post lauding the …