New blog over on WestonAPrice.Org: The Biochemical Magic of Raw Milk and Other Raw Foods: Glutathione This post shows some of the unique properties of raw milk proteins and shows how some of these benefits can also be gained from consuming raw whole eggs and large amounts of raw fruits and vegetables.
Mother Nature Obeyed
Reductionism and Holism Go Hand in Hand
In a new blog over at WestonAPrice.Org, I argue that reductionism and holism are not at conflict with each other unless they are used improperly, and that for science and any other type of problem-solving we must use both of them together. I also provide a critical analysis of a recent study that used a …
My New Response to the Ongoing “China Study” Debate
I’ve responded to a few comments directed my way from Dr. Campbell and others as a result of Denise Minger’s critique of The China Study. You can read it over at the Weston A. Price blog: Denise Minger’s Refutation of Campbell’s “China Study” Generates Continued Debate As always, if you need to increase the font …
Denise Minger Refutes the China Study Once and For All
Over at the WAPF blog I’ve provided an analysis of why I believe Denise Minger has dealt the fatal death blow to The China Study’s main argument. You can check it out here: Denise Minger Refutes the China Study Once and For All
New Evidence of Vitamins A and D Synergism, Can They Cure Diabetes? Chinese Researchers Cite My “Cod Liver OIl Debate” Article
Chinese researchers provide new evidence that vitamins A and D work together in cooperative fashion, each increasing production of the other’s receptor. In pancreatic stem cells, they synergize to flip on the “neurogenin-3” switch, involved in turning stem cells into fully functional insulin-producing cells. Neither vitamin is effective alone, however. This suggests that vitamins A …
Are Some People Pushing Their Vitamin D Levels Too High?
Has science proven that the minimal acceptable blood level of vitamin D, in the form of 25(OH)D, is above 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L)? No. If you’ve been trying to maintain your levels this high because you thought this was the case, I’m sorry to break the news. There is, on the contrary, good evidence that …
Experts Defend Cod Liver Oil, Citing My Work on the Fat-Soluble Vitamins for WAPF!
This January, Dr. Linda Linday, a pediatrician who researches cod liver oil, Michael F. Holick, MD PhD, and several other researchers defended cod liver oil against criticism made a year earlier by Dr. Cannell of the Vitamin D Council and 16 other researchers. They cite the WAPF December 2008 “Cod Liver Oil Update” as an …
More Attacks on Vitamin A
New post over at Mother Nature Obeyed: More Attacks on Vitamin A And an addendum: Further Questions on Vitamin A
Does Meat Really Leach Calcium From the Bones?
I have a new blog post over at Mother Nature Obeyed on the Weston A. Price Foundation site: Does Meat Really Leach Calcium From the Bones? Enjoy!
Weston Price’s Activator X — Cure for Cancer?
Those of you reading The Daily Lipid from my web site, Cholesterol-And-Health.Com might also be interested in reading my other blog on the Weston A. Price Foundation’s web site, Mother Nature Obeyed. The title is taken from the conclusion with which Price ended his epic work Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: “Life in all its fullness …