Showing: 11 - 13 of 13 Articles

In Favor of Neolithic Role Playing and Reenactment

This post is a tribute to John Durant, Melissa McEwen, and Stephan Guyenet, each of whom brought a whopping pile of curiosity, friendship, and comradery to the 2010 Wise Traditions conference.  Stephan also brought a whopping pile of genius, which he injected into his excellent presentation on traditional diets in the Pacific islands, showing that …

High-Fructose Corn Syrup is Sweet Poison, Honey Is Yummy — Against “Pulling a Campbell”

I’m sure you’ve seen the commercials.  A spiffy salesman walks on screen, smiles, and says “Hi, I’m from the Corn Refiners Association, and I’m here to sell you the new American Dream.  You can have all the degenerative diseases of modern civilization in a package deal so cheap it’s practically free.  All you have to pay …