Showing: 21 - 30 of 36 Articles

How a Study Can Show Something to Be True When It’s Completely False — Regression to the Mean

In a previous post, “The Great Unknown: Using the Statistics to Explore the Secret Depths of Unpublished Research,” I discussed one way a study can show something to be true when it’s false, or vice versa. If some nutrient or drug has a “true” biological effect, and we repeat many studies of the phenomenon, we …

They Did the Same Thing to the Lab Rats That They Did to Us

Once upon a time, sucrose was the main ingredient in the diet of lab rats, but now starch is used.  The government thought it knew what type of nutrition rats needed, so it recommended purified diets for the sake of science.  Then, the rats started getting diseases, so they started tweaking the purified diets.  Sound …

John Meadows Gets Jacked with Liver, Whole Eggs, and Red Palm Oil, and Wins “Mr. Ohio”

The first article I ever wrote about nutrition was an article for the Fall, 2004 issue of Wise Traditions called “Vitamin A: The Forgotten Bodybuilding Nutrient,” in which I argued that bodybuilders should eat nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamin A such as liver and cod liver oil in order to boost protein utilization and testosterone …

New Evidence of Vitamins A and D Synergism, Can They Cure Diabetes? Chinese Researchers Cite My “Cod Liver OIl Debate” Article

Chinese researchers provide new evidence that vitamins A and D work together in cooperative fashion, each increasing production of the other’s receptor. In pancreatic stem cells, they synergize to flip on the “neurogenin-3” switch, involved in turning stem cells into fully functional insulin-producing cells. Neither vitamin is effective alone, however. This suggests that vitamins A …

Experts Defend Cod Liver Oil, Citing My Work on the Fat-Soluble Vitamins for WAPF!

This January, Dr. Linda Linday, a pediatrician who researches cod liver oil, Michael F. Holick, MD PhD, and several other researchers defended cod liver oil against criticism made a year earlier by Dr. Cannell of the Vitamin D Council and 16 other researchers. They cite the WAPF December 2008 “Cod Liver Oil Update” as an …