Question: What’s the difference between the NADH/NAD+ and the NADPH/NADH ratios? So the NADH to NAD ratio and the NAD pH to NADP plus ratio are things that are having real consequences as ratios and biochemistry that are dictating what’s going on in our body. The NAD pH to NADH ratio is physiologically irrelevant, but …
What if my ferritin is low, but other iron markers are normal? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #178
Question: What if my ferritin is low, but other iron markers are normal? I would first see whether getting more iron in your diet raises your transparent saturation or your iron saturation higher than 40%. If it does, then I wouldn’t push it but if it doesn’t or if your transparent saturation is significantly below …
Menstrual Migraines, Pregnancy, and HRT | Masterjohn Q&A Files #177
Question: Menstrual Migraines, Pregnancy, and HRT What I think is happening is the estrogen is probably suppressing DAO when it’s higher, but because it’s staying suppressed, there’s compensation that’s happening for it to help minimize the histamine level. Whereas when the estrogen is cyclical, it’s suppressing DAO when the body hasn’t made any adaptations to …
How do I know if biotin deficiency is causing my hair loss and fungal rashes? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #176
Question: How do I know if biotin deficiency is causing my hair loss and fungal rashes? The plasma or serum biotin level is not a good marker of biotin status because it’s not very sensitive. And so, if you’re in the bottom 10% of it, I would definitely take that as a red flag that …
How do you know if skin problems are from zinc deficiency? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #175
Question: How do you know if skin problems are from zinc deficiency? I would measure plasma zinc and if the plasma zinc, the sweet spot is around 120. If the plasma zinc is in the 70 to 90 range, that’s borderline and if it’s below 70, that’s very clearly potentially related to skin problems. I …
Anxiety, Neurotransmitters, and Nutrition | Masterjohn Q&A Files #174
Question: Anxiety, Neurotransmitters, and Nutrition So there’s a few trans neurotransmitters that are particularly relevant. Histamine is a key anxiety neurotransmitter. Another neuro-transmitter that’s relevant is dopamine and I don’t see dopamine as primarily actually causing baseline anxiety. Measurement of neuro-transmitters is very difficult but you can get some hints and make some inferences. I …