More About the CMJ Masterpass

The CMJ Masterpass is a buyer's club with with exclusive and massive discounts on my own products and services, and on US Wellness meats, Vital Choice seafood, supplements from Seeking Health and Ancestral, the chiliPAD, and more, with two amazing bonuses that bring you special access to me and my content added in: live Q&A sessions over Zoom, and premium features on all my audio and video content, including early pre-publication access, ad-free content, and transcripts.

Click here to for a 20% lifetimes savings, or keep reading to learn more about it.

Here's what you get:

This is a buyers club with exclusive discounts on all of my products and services and crazy rebates on the products other company's offer that I find most valuable. You save huge on my consultations, the pre-orders of my book, and my guide the managing nutritional status. I will give you my commission in full to bring you crazy rebates on Kettle and Fire bone broth, US Wellness meats, Vital Choice seafood, supplements from Ancestral and Seeking Health, Blublox sleep accessories, Abby's low-carb elderberry syrup, and the amazing chililPAD and OOLER. Take full advantage of these, and you can save many times the membership fee!


  • Bonus 1: Monthly access to live Zoom sessions where you can ask me anything. Occasionally, I have guest experts where you can ask *us* anything!
  • Bonus 2: Transcripts, ad-free versions, and early access to all my audio-video content.

Exclusive, Massive Discounts

Here are more details on the crazy discounts!

You get huge discounts on all my products and services, including $50 off each consultation you book with me, 30-50% off the Vitamins and Minerals 101 book pre-order, and 50% off Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet.

I also give you back all my commissions on any products I promote as an affiliate. This allows me to offer you typical discounts you'd find online and then offer you an additional rebate over and above that.

Discounts with my affiliates generally take the form of an immediate discount, and then if you email my support team your order confirmation to request a rebate, we will give you the commission as a rebate in full, which may take 30-60 days.

When the discount codes and rebates are combined, here are the discounts you can get:

  • 30-50% off Kettle and Fire bone broth.
  • 18-25% off Seeking Health supplements and educational products.
  • 23.5% off Ancestral Supplements.
  • 23.5% off Blublox sleep accessories.
  • $164.27-$434.64 off a chiliPAD or OOLER.
  • 5% off Abby's elderberry products.
  • 8-23% off US Wellness meats.
  • 5-37% off Vital Choice seafood.
  • 8% off North Star Bison.

As a Masterpass member, you can provide input on what other discounts you'd love to see.

If these are products you use, you can easily pay for your membership with the discounts, and save even more than you pay!

Live Q&A Sessions

We use Zoom, a video chatting software, in webinar mode. You can ask your question anonymously in text, but you can also ask it publicly, and you can even get “on stage” and share your mic, web cam, or screen with everyone.

As a Masterpass holder, you'll get immediate access to the replay whether you had a seat in the session or not.

Eventually these get published as an episode of Mastering Nutrition, and then each question where I feel I had a good answer gets turned into an episode of The Masterjohn Q&A Files.  So you can get a little mini-famous 🌟in these. 🤩

I don't hold these exactly once per month, but they average out to more than once a month.

Recently I also had an “Ask Us Anything About Hormones” with Carrie Jones, medical director of Precision Analytical, which makes the DUTCH test for urinary hormone metabolites. I also had sports science coaches and researchers Chad Macias, Danny Lennon, and Alex Leaf on for an “Ask Us Anything About Sports Nutrition.” And I just finished an “Ask Us Anything About Gut Health” with Chris Kresser, Analia Camarasa, and Tim Sharpe.

The next Ask Me Anything About Nutrition sessions will be with just me as the host, on Tuesday, Feb 4, 5:30-7:30 PM EST, and Saturday, Feb 8, 12:00-2:00 PM EST.

These are great opportunities to get up close and personal and to give your questions priority.

Transcripts, Early Access to Ad-Free Audio-Video Content

This includes premium features on my videos and podcasts, including Chris Masterjohn Lite (short, practical tips), Mastering Nutrition (long, in-depth podcasts on a specific topic), or Masterclass With Masterjohn (nutritional biochemistry courses with lessons arranged in series) that help you get my content faster and get more out of it.

Here's what you get as premium features:

✅ Early access to content: you get episodes as soon as they are produced, usually weeks and sometimes months before they are released to the public.

✅ No ads standing in the way between you and my content.

✅ Transcripts! These are great if you like to read, or if you want to be more productive. For example, I would first listen to the episodes while I'm doing something else to scan for familiarity, then I'd go back later and keyword search the transcripts for the things I found most interesting so I could follow them up by taking notes or reviewing them in more detail.

✅ Specifically in Masterclass With Masterjohn, you get additional learning tools, such as videos you can keyword search (you literally type in a word and hit “enter” to watch it skip to each instance where I use that word) or put on a customized loop (with three clicks you start and end the loop wherever you want and it plays that section over and over again until you stop it). You also get transcripts with the slides, references, and further reading materials embedded exactly where they are relevant. Even the scientific papers are mostly one click to open up the full text.

Currently, I am waiting to produce new episodes until I finish Vitamins and Minerals 101, but you already get transcripts and these other premium features on 69 episodes of Mastering Nutrition, 153 episodes of Chris Masterjohn Lite, 14 lessons of a Masterclass With Masterjohn (MWM) on The Antioxidant System, and 39 lessons of an MWM on Energy Metabolism.

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