Showing: 241 - 250 of 307 Articles
Mastering Nutrition episode 18 is a recording of the 06/29/16 Facebook Live event, "As Chris Masterjohn, PhD, Anything About Fat-Soluble Vitamins!"

Mastering Nutrition Episode 18: You Asked Me Anything About Fat-Soluble Vitamins, Facebook Live, 06/29/16

This past Wednesday, we all showed up live on Facebook so you could ask me anything about fat-soluble vitamins. Here’s the video, and the audio recording as a podcast.  If you love these Facebook Live episodes, make sure to show up at the next one: Saturday, July 9, 2:00 PM Eastern time the theme will …

Dr. Chris Masterjohn talks about The Two-Minute Hack Every Computer Junkie Should Be Doing for Their Wrists

Mastering Nutrition Episode 8: The Two-Minute Hack Every Computer Junkie Should Be Doing for Their Wrists

In this short episode, I describe how voodoo flossing my computer-damaged wrists has made a tremendous difference in my ability to tolerate weight lifting (especially Olympic lifting) without wrist pain. I don’t think you need to lift weights to benefit from this (though I think you should lift weights). I think this is something that …

Squatting at the gym or the CrossFit box is great, but you should also be able to squat at rest and use it as a regular working position. This picture shows you how to do that on two stacked yoga blocks.

Mastering Nutrition Episode 7: The Many Uses of Yoga Blocks Around the House, and Why a Standing Desk Isn’t Enough

In this episode I describe why a set of two yoga blocks has been one of my best low-cost investments in the last year, playing a variety of unexpected roles around my apartment, and allowing me to make major strides in increasing the diversity of positions I can work in to get a healthier level …

Dr. Chris Masterjohn talks about What I've Been Eating, and How I Get It

Mastering Nutrition Episode 4: What I’ve Been Eating, and How I Get It

I’m often asked what I eat, and here I answer the question. In addition, I describe how I have been getting my food and arranging my meals to meet my goals of productivity, fat loss, and good nutrition. Listen on ITunes. Stream by clicking here. Download by right-clicking (control-clicking on Mac) here and choosing “save …

Mastering Nutrition with Chris Masterjohn

Introducing Mastering Nutrition… Wait For It… PODCAST! Episodes 1, 2, and 3 are now live!

I’m excited to announce that with this post I am launching Mastering Nutrition PODCAST!   Here are episodes 1, 2, and 3: I would love it if you could give me feedback by heading to ITunes, subscribing, and leaving me a rating and review. If I get a positive response, I’ll begin releasing more content …

Weighing in on the Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO) Controversy

Many people have been asking me to weigh in on the controversy that is erupted this week with the publication of Dr. Kaayla Daniel’s report arguing that fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) produced by Green Pasture is rancid, low in fat-soluble vitamins, made from pollock rather than cod, and adulterated with trans fat-containing vegetable oil. …

My Experience With Vegetarianism — Updated With New Reflections (2013)

My Experience With Vegetarianism — Updated With New Reflections Published June 9, 2013 — Note:The old version of this account, published in 2005, can be found here. I remember vividly the moment I realized everything had changed. Working as an undergraduate in a campus dining hall, I spotted a young man lift up half a stack of …

We Really Can Make Glucose From Fatty Acids After All! O Textbook, How Thy Biochemistry Hast Deceived Me!

Biochemistry textbooks generally tell us that we can’t turn fatty acids into glucose.  For example, on page 634 of the 2006 and 2008 editions of Biochemistry by Berg, Tymoczko, and Stryer, we find the following: Animals Cannot Convert Fatty Acids to Glucose It is important to note that animals are unable to effect the net …