Showing: 21 - 30 of 307 Articles

Can the Vaccines Write the Spike Protein Into the Human Genome?

Limitations to the Feb 25 paper on reverse transcription notwithstanding, something has to be radically extending the half-life well beyond anything that could be predicted from the known science. This is not medical advice. Please see the full disclaimer at the bottom. A paper published on February 25 argued that the spike protein mRNA from the Pfizer …

A Brand New Study on PCR-Negative COVID-Like Illness Suggests It is Often… COVID!

If PCR-negative COVID-like illness is often COVID, every single test-negative case control study is completely worthless and the vaccine trial efficacy numbers mean nothing at all. This is not medical advice. See full disclaimer at the bottom. Having coined the phrase “Pandemic of PCR-Negative COVID-Like Illness” on January 27 (republished on Substack February 19), I was overjoyed …

Releasing Iron in Long-Haul

Releasing Iron in Long-COVID: Copper, Fasting, and Cooling Inflammation

Last week I published two articles on iron, one suggesting it could play a role in post-COVID fatigue and hair loss, and the second suggesting it could play a nearly identical role in the same symptoms when resulting from COVID vaccination. In these posts I did not recommend indiscriminate iron supplementation. Rather, I suggested it …