SAVE Money With the Masterpass, at a STEEP Discount

I can see how the Masterpass might seem expensive on the surface, but once you do the math, you can see why it's an incredible steal.

First, though, let me save you some money right now:

  • Sign up today using this unique link, and apply the code STEEPSAVINGS, and you will save 20% off the membership fee, forever. This link and coupon are only available from this exact page right now. This is twice as good as any other discount code circulating.
  • The Masterpass has a referral program that allows you to refer friends and family (or if you have a blog or social media presence, your audience) and earn 20% of the membership fee for each person you refer. You get paid first as a partial refund of your membership fee, and once your membership fee is fully refunded, you get sent the money by PayPal. If you refer five people who stay signed up, you effectively get your Masterpass membership for free.
  • My Money-Back Guarantee: If you can't save more than your membership fee, you can cancel your membership with a few easy clicks, email my customer support, show us how you tried, and as long as it is within 30 days of your payment, we will refund your payment in full.

Alright, now let's take a look at the math.

Day-to-Day Food Purchases

I like to alternate my breakfast protein between four eggs or 1/3 lb White Oak Pastures “paleo ground beef” (which is how I get my organ meats in) heavily spiced with taco seasoning. If I alternate these day to day, the 15% back on White Oak would save me $5/month on the eggs and $9/month on the paleo ground beef.

I generally eat 1/3 lb of meat, poultry, or fish at each of my other two meals, generally using fish twice a week. With 8-23% off US Wellness meats, using ground beef for the calculation, I would save between $11.50 and $33.08 per month. With 10-32% off Vital Choice seafood, I would save at least $4.90 per month eating two servings of wild Alaskan salmon per week, and I could save an extra $25 if I started a subscription box.

Just with the minimum savings on the protein food staples, I would save $39.40 per month, which is more than double the membership fee.

Big Purchases

Of course, those aren't the only ways to save. Some people save with big purchases. Most recently we paid out $439 to someone who bought one of the highest priced Joovv red light phototherapy devices. Much more commonly, we pay out $145 to people who purchase an Ooler (the new and improved model of the ChiliPAD, which cools the mattress as you sleep), after they already saved 10% with our coupon code. The biggest savings you can get is $1000 on a home water filtration unit.

Consistently Cheaper Than Amazon

The CMJ Masterpass savings consistently bring products under the price they'd go for on Amazon.

For example:

  • We have a dedicated storefront that offers 35% off 305 brands of supplements and thousands of products. Thousands of times over, these are all cheaper than Amazon.
  • A 30-pack of citrus salt LMNT goes for $45 on Amazon, but in the Masterpass you get the same price and get 15% back. The Masterpass is 15% cheaper than Amazon.
  • 12 ounces of Four Sigmatic “Think” mushroom coffee with lion's mane goes for $18.88 on Amazon. In the Masterpass, you buy it through the web site where it sells for $19.20, but get a 15% off coupon code that triggers a 25% rebate on the remaining price, bringing the price down to $12.48. The Masterpass is 34% cheaper than Amazon.
  • Seeking Health active B12 with L-5-MTHF goes for $19.95 on Amazon. With the CMJ Masterpass discounts, it's $16.52. The Masterpass is over 17% cheaper than Amazon.
  • Blublox Wayfarer blue-blocking glasses go for $104.95 on Amazon. With the CMJ Masterpass discounts, they're only $81.33. The Masterpass is 23.5% cheaper than Amazon.
  • Ancestral Supplements Grass-Fed Beef Organs go for 21 cents per capsule on Amazon. With the CMJ Masterpass discounts, it's only 16 cents per capsule. The Masterpass is 23.5% cheaper than Amazon.
  • The Travel Berkey water filter bundled with two regular filters and two fluoride filters goes for $337 on Amazon. With the CMJ Masterpass discounts, the same bundle is only $249.05. The Masterpass is 26% cheaper than Amazon.
  • Vital Choice fresh frozen fish is not available on Amazon, but some of their shelf-stable products are. A six-pack of the Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon goes for $42 on Amazon. With the CMJ Masterpass discounts, it goes for $39.90, or $38.64 if you're a first-time customer. The Masterpass is 5-8% cheaper than Amazon.
  • Pique Tea Organic Sacred Lily Oolong pack of 14 single use sticks goes for $14.99 on Amazon. With the CMJ Masterpass discounts, it's only $9.59. The Masterpass is 56% cheaper than Amazon.
  • A Barbell Apparel short-sleeved shirt goes for $49.99 on Amazon. In the Masterpass, you buy it through the web site where it sells for $48, and use a 10% coupon code that triggers a 10% rebate on the remaining price, bringing the total down to $38.88. The Masterpass is 22.2% cheaper than Amazon.
  • A 12-ounce package of Kion coffee goes for $25 on Amazon. In the Masterpass, you buy it through the web site where it sells for $19.99, and use a 10% coupon code that triggers a 10% rebate on the remaining price, bringing the total down to $16.19. The Masterpass is 35% cheaper than Amazon.
  • Paleovalley's grass-fed organ complex goes for $35.99 on Amazon. In the Masterpass, you buy it through the web site where it sells for $31.99, and use a 10% coupon code that triggers a 55% rebate on the remaining price, bringing the total down to $12.96. The Masterpass is 64% cheaper than Amazon.

Some of the Best Products Aren't on Amazon At All

Then there are other amazing health products that just aren't on Amazon at all. The Masterpass still delivers them cheaper than anywhere else.

For example:

  • $164.27-$434.64 off a chiliPAD or OOLER.
  • Between $69.50 and $639.00 back on a Joovv red light phototherapy device, depending on the model.
  • 8-23% off US Wellness meats.
  • 8% off North Star Bison.
  • 15% off White Oak Pastures.
  • 19% off OysterMax and other products from Marine Health Foods.
  • 35% off Magic Spoon low-carb, high-protein breakfast cereal.
  • 19% off Wellness Mama's Wellnesse products.

220 More Products That Are Cheaper Than Amazon

The Masterpass includes 19% savings on most of the 693 products sold by Radiant Life.

Since many of the products are on Amazon, we conducted an analysis comparing the price of each product on Radiant Life with the exclusive Masterpass savings to the price on Amazon.  Of the 693 products, 410 aren't on Amazon. You still save 19%. Of the remainder, 220 are cheaper than on Amazon, and 196 are at least 10% cheaper than Amazon, sometimes even as much as 75% cheaper than Amazon.

The savings on the 410 products that aren't sold on Amazon at all are 19% off the normal Radiant Life price and include many small-priced items you use every day like non-perishable foods, supplements, and personal care products, as well as some high-priced items, such as saving over $1000 on a whole-home water filtration system.

Doesn't Everyone Offer Coupon Codes?

Now, obviously there are plenty of coupons floating around on the internet. Are these discounts truly higher than you could get anywhere else? Yes. For example, US Wellness may often use 15% discount codes through their own web site or through other affiliates, but I give Masterpass members my 8% commission as a rebate *on top of* the discount code, bringing the total savings possible up to 23%. Vital Choice gives, under the present conditions, no more than 5% out for coupons used by their affiliates. I give you my 5% commission on top of this, and my $25 commission on subscription boxes, bringing the total savings up to at least 10% and sometimes as high as 32%.

LMNT doesn't use coupon codes at all, yet I'm giving you my 15% cut in full. Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee gives even the huge names that drive their marketing engines only a 20% discount code. That's bigger than my 15% discount code, but because I'm giving you back my 25% commission (calculated after the 15% discount is taken off), you get both the code immediately and the commission as a rebate, bringing the total savings to 35% of the product price.

Why the Masterpass Has the Best Savings

I bring you what I can guarantee are bigger savings than you can get anywhere else, because I bring you these savings by giving my commission away to you in full on all these products.

When you sign up for the Masterpass, you will receive instructions on how to get the discounts. A portion comes as immediate savings, and then the rest comes once I receive a commission on the product and give it to you in full, usually within 30 days.

Since no one else is giving away their commissions, no one else is bringing you this type of savings.

Save 20% on the CMJ Masterpass

To save you even more money, use the link below and apply the code STEEPSAVINGS at checkout to save 20% off the membership fee. You will keep this discount for as long as you stay a member.

Here's the link:

The CMJ Masterpass

Sign up for an annual plan to save an additional 33% over the cost of the monthly plan.

My Money-Back Guarantee

Remember, I offer a money-back guarantee: show us you made a good-faith effort to use the savings, but saved less than the membership fee, and we will cancel your account and refund your most recent payment, as long as you make the request within 30 days of the payment. If you want to cancel without a refund, you can easily do so in less than a minute with four clicks from your dashboard, without any need to contact us.

Start Saving Now!

Ready? Sign up here:

Sign Up for the CMJ Masterpass Using This Link

See you in the Masterpass!