Yesterday, I covered a Nature paper that found 100% of 36 subjects who had recovered from COVID-19 had virus-specific T cells capable of providing immunity. Another paper was published yesterday in Science, however, showing that COVID-19 cases can be classified into three immunotypes, one of which has virtually no T cell or antibody response at all. The Nature …
106 Zinc Products at 35% Off
Looking for Zinc? Inside the CMJ Masterpass, we have a dedicated storefront that has 106 different zinc products, all at 35% off, that are all consistently cheaper than on Amazon. These include: Biotics Research ADB5-Plus™ at $17.49 for 90 tablets (it goes for $32.28 on Amazon). Karuna AdrenaCort at $14.43 for 60 capsules (it goes …
23 Elderberry Products at 35% Off
Looking for elderberry? Inside the CMJ Masterpass, we have a dedicated storefront that has 23 different elderberry products, all at 35% off. These include: Wise Woman Herbals, at $12.42 for 2 oz (it goes for $19.75 on Amazon). Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry, at $13.65 for 2 oz (it goes for $21.54 on Amazon). New Chapter …
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Thank you for letting me know! I will keep letting you know about the discounts. If feel you made a mistake clicking this link or you ever change your mind, just click on the opposite link within the email and that will override this decision. Until then, I’m glad to let you know when I …
Low Potassium Levels in COVID-19
An Italian paper released as a preprint* on June 18 documented a very high rate of hypokalemia, or low blood levels of potassium, among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Among 290 hospitalized but non-critical COVID-19 patients, 41% had hypokalemia. In roughly a third of them, urinary potassium was measured. In that subset, 96% of the patients had …
New Insights Into Clotting and COVID-19
In the six days since my last newsletter, five interesting studies were published providing some insights on COVID-19 and blood clotting. Deep Vein Thrombosis Is Very Common in Moderate to Severe Cases The first is a preprint* released on June 14 suggesting that clotting is an even more frequent problem in COVID-19 than we might …

How the Chili Pad Took My Sleep To the Next Level
Originally published July 15 2019. Updated June 13, 2020. Skip to one-year reflections, or read from the beginning. I’ve been using the chiliPAD as one of my key tools for better sleep for the last 3.5 months (update: 14.5 months), and here is my experience. I had been thinking of buying a chiliPAD for years, …
12 New COVID-19 Studies
Since my last newsletter, none of the new preprints* look interesting enough for deep dives, but a number deserve a mention. Here they are. One showed that immune system cells known as neutrophils respond to SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, with “neutrophil extracellular traps” (NETs), which play a role in damaging lung tissue. I …
COVID-19, Iron, and the Anemia of Chronic Disease
A new meta-analysis on COVID-19 and iron metabolism was released as a preprint* yesterday by researchers from Turkey, Colombia, Hungary, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Meta-analyses are studies that pool the results of many studies together to look at the net results. The analysis included 56 studies that together included 14,044 COVID-19 patients. 49 studies reported …