Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

Undercarboxylated Osteocalcin: Marker of Vitamin K Deficiency, or Booster of Insulin Signaling and Testosterone?

New over at Mother Nature Obeyed: Undercarboxylated Osteocalcin: Marker of Vitamin K Deficiency, or Booster of Insulin Signaling and Testosterone? Enjoy! Update December 17, 2016: If you enjoyed this, I encourage you to check out The Ultimate Vitamin K2 Resource. It has easy-to-read practical advice, click-to-expand technical explanations, infographics that explain the science in a fun way, …

The New Genetics — Part V: Is the Intestinal Microbiome Part of Our Genome?

Part V of The New Genetics Has the human genome project really been completed?  One could argue that in fact it will not be completed until its sequel, the Human Microbiome Project, is completed.  One set of authors referred to it as “another phase of the ‘human’ genome sequencing project.” The available evidence suggests that …

Some Things I Like About “The New Evolution Diet”

My overall review of Art De Vany’s The New Evolution Diet probably came across pretty negatively, but there’s a lot of stuff I like about the book that’s worth summarizing. Unfortunately, many of the poorer ideas in the book shine forth with a brighter light simply because these good ideas have been discussed in many other …