This is the third and final installment of The Masai Part I: A Glimpse of Gender, Sexuality, and Spirituality in the Loita Masai over at Mother Nature Obeyed: The Masai Part I: A Glimpse of Gender, Sexuality, and Spirituality in the Loita Masai (installment 3) In this installment, we see a historical example where a …
Mother Nature Obeyed
Understanding Weston Price on Primitive Wisdom — Ancient Doesn’t Cut It
New post over at Mother Nature Obeyed: Understanding Weston Price on Primitive Wisdom — Ancient Doesn’t Cut It Enjoy!
Highlights From Experimental Biology 2011
I arrived in Washington, DC on Friday evening to meet with 13,000 other biological scientists for the Experimental Biology 2011 meeting and just got home Wednesday night. I was there to give a 15-minute presentation on how I fed an overdose of fructose to a couple dozen rats and it didn’t do any of the …
Does Dietary Choline Contribute to Heart Disease?
New blog over at Mother Nature Obeyed on the WAPF site: Does Dietary Choline Contribute to Heart Disease?
The USDA’s New Bizarre Definition of Nutrient Density
New Post over at the WAPF Blog: The 2010 USDA/HSS Dietary Guidelines — A Rather Bizarre Definition of “Nutrient Dense”
Everything We Thought We Knew About Vitamin D And Latitude Might Be Wrong!
New blog post over at WestonAPrice.Org on why everything we thought we knew about vitamin D and latitude might be wrong: Vitamin D — Problems With the Latitude Hypothesis
Is Vitamin D Safe? It Still Depends on Vitamins A and K! Human Study and Testimonials
New blog over at Is Vitamin D Safe? Still Depends on Vitamins A and K! Human Study and Testimonials
Why Is My Cholesterol So High On This Diet? You May Be Curing Yourself of Fatty Liver
by Chris Masterjohn New blog over at WestonAPrice.Org about how a nourishing diet may sometimes increase blood lipids by curing somone of fatty liver disease: Why Is My Cholesterol So High On This Diet? Read more about Chris Masterjohn, PhD, here.
A Response to “B” of 30 Bananas a Day! About “The Curious Case of Campbell’s Rats”
Here’s my response to “B” from the vegetarian site “30 Bananas a Day!” who suggested that I made a misleading oversight in my recent article “The Curious Case of Campbell’s Rats” by not accounting for the young age of the rats in these studies: Addendum to “The Curious Case of Campbell’s Rats” Enjoy!
The Curious Case of Campbell’s Rats — Does Protein Deficiency Prevent Cancer?
New blog over on the WAPF site: The Curious Case of Campbell’s Rats — Does Protein Deficiency Prevent Cancer? Enjoy!