New over at Mother Nature Obeyed:
Update December 17, 2016: If you enjoyed this, I encourage you to check out The Ultimate Vitamin K2 Resource. It has easy-to-read practical advice, click-to-expand technical explanations, infographics that explain the science in a fun way, supplement recommendations, and a searchable database of foods. This post as well as the resource are indexed with my other vitamin K-related writings at Start Here for Vitamin K2.
Great article, a pleasure to read. Keep sharing this type of stuff with us. thank you…. Keep doing good work. It will be great to keep reading you!
For a couple of days, health topic interests me. Just that I can't find any content in here. The admin has to check this. WordPress is an ideal system to consider.
Could not get to the article. seems to be down. I agree with majkinetor – this happens way too often.
I think everyone is agreed. The solution is to move from the terrible system to Word Press but unfortunately it will take some time to make the move. I agree it is frustrating.
Weston Price site is embarrassing, really. Missing links, slow response (sometimes in minutes), unresponsible mysql database, feature failure…. Today, you can make better sites without any budget in few days.
It makes one wonder, if they can't really resolve such a basic thing such as site maintenance and design how can they keep up with more serious things…. like health.
I suggest you to keep main copy of your articles here, or somewhere else.