Povidone-Iodine Safety, Efficacy, and Lugol’s

In the last issue, I covered the potential of nasal irrigation, rinsing, and gargling with 0.5% povidone-iodine to kill SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Several issues then came up as responses that I consider worth addressing: How well can we generalize from the in vitro (test tube) study to the likely in vivo (live …

SAVE Money With the Masterpass, at a STEEP Discount

I can see how the Masterpass might seem expensive on the surface, but once you do the math, you can see why it’s an incredible steal. First, though, let me save you some money right now: Sign up today using this unique link, and apply the code STEEPSAVINGS, and you will save 20% off the …

Proof the Masterpass Savings Are Real

I can totally see why you wouldn’t at first glance trust that the Masterpass savings are real. But let’s take a look at the math. Let’s first consider day-to-day food purchases. Day-to-Day Food Purchases I like to alternate my breakfast protein between four eggs or 1/3 lb White Oak Pastures “paleo ground beef” (which is …

Povidone-Iodine Kills the Coronavirus in 60 Seconds

On May 26, a preprint* was released providing the first direct evidence that povidone-iodine, a widely used antiseptic, is capable of killing SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. As little as 0.5% povidone-iodine completely inactivated the virus in 60 seconds, comparable to 70% alcohol. Greater concentrations were equally effective but provided no additional benefit. This …

Vitamin D Does Not Explain the Race/Ethnicity-COVID-19 Relationship

While I was out, a peer-reviewed paper was published in the journal, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews that strongly challenges the idea that vitamin D status explains the relationship between race and ethnicity and COVID-19 risk, and adds to the growing data suggesting the relationship between vitamin D and infection risk is weak. …

How You Can Support My Work

Here are various ways to support my work, including no extra cost to you, and ranging from $2.99 to larger price tags: At no extra cost to you at all, you can make a purchase directly from one of the companies I work with as an affiliate. For $2.99, you can purchase The Vitamins and …