Search Results

Values are reported as μg/100g food for solids or μg/100 ml food for liquids.

Whole Milk


Olive Oil

Lard (pastured, average of two samples)

FarmFriend Goat Butter (average of two samples)

Kerry Gold Butter (average of two samples)

Trickling Springs Butter (average of two samples)

Conventional Egg Yolks (average of two samples)

Organic Egg Yolks (average of two samples)

PA Bowen Pasture Fed Egg Yolks (average of two samples)

Tallow (convential, average of two samples)

Tallow (pastured, average of two samples)

Duck Fat (free range, average of two samples)

Lard (smithfield, average of two samples)

Extra Virgin Butter Oil (average of two samples)

Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil (average of two samples)

Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil (average of two samples)

Green Pastures Butter Oil (liquid fraction, average of two samples)

Green Pastures Butter Oil (semi-solid fraction, average of two samples)

Pure Indian Foods Ghee (average of two samples)