Showing: 111 - 120 of 307 Articles

Nutritional recommendations for MTR and MTRR polymorphisms. | Masterjohn Q&A Files #88

  Question: Nutritional recommendations for MTR and MTRR polymorphisms In the methylation cycle, I’ve talked a lot about MTHFR, which helps finalize the methyl group of methyfolate. But then folate has to donate that methyl group to vitamin B12 in order for vitamin B12 to donate it to homocysteine. In that process, that’s how you …

Advice for what to do after suffering a transient ischemic attack | Masterjohn Q&A Files #85

Question: Advice for what to do after suffering a transient ischemic attack A TIA, a transient ischemic attack, is like a mini stroke, but they all kind of fall into the same category where the development of plaque is a very significant part, is the major thing disposing you to having an event like that. …

What I’m Doing for the Coronavirus: Old Version From March 17

I take the coronavirus very seriously. Although I find it unlikely that I would die or develop serious complications if I caught it, I don’t want to spread it to the more vulnerable members of my family. I also fully support the concept of “flattening the curve.” If slowing the spread of the virus can …

What to do when serum magnesium is high but RBC magnesium is low? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #79

Question: What to do when serum magnesium is high but RBC magnesium is low? The magnesium in the blood and the hair is high. When you say blood, I’m assuming this is serum or plasma because the RBC magnesium is low. I’m hoping that’s not whole blood magnesium in which case it would be hard …

In hemochromatosis, why would ferritin be low but transferrin saturation high? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #69

Question: In hemochromatosis, why would ferritin be low but transferrin saturation high? Ferritin is your long-term iron storage. Transferrin is your short-term iron storage. The problem with hemochromatosis is that usually in a normal functioning system, there is a hormonal regulatory system that prevents you from absorbing iron from food when you have enough iron …

NMN vs. NR: What’s better? And is TMG necessary? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #61

Question: NMN vs. NR: What’s better? And is TMG necessary? Yeah. There are no human studies looking at NMN and how it’s metabolized. There are studies of NR. No one has showed any positive benefits of supplementing NR in humans yet, but they haven’t really done any long-term studies or looked at many things, and …

If free T3 looks good, why is TSH still a little high? Why hasn’t the T3 brought it down enough? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #59

Question: If free T3 looks good, why is TSH still a little high? Why hasn’t the T3 brought it down enough? Your thyroid gland makes thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone increases your metabolic rate and does a lot of related things. Your hypothalamus is governing that by controlling your pituitary, the master endocrine gland, and its …

Should I manage my total cholesterol of 305 just for my doctor or should I be doing it for my own sake? If so, how should I do it? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #57

Question: Should I manage my total cholesterol of 305 just for my doctor or should I be doing it for my own sake? If so, how should I do it? You should want to improve your lipid profile for a lot more than to please your doctor. Let’s revisit this from a cholesterol skeptic point …

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The CMJ Masterpass is a buyer’s club with with exclusive and massive discounts on my own products and services, and on US Wellness meats, Vital Choice seafood, supplements from Seeking Health and Ancestral, the chiliPAD, and more, with two amazing bonuses that bring you special access to me and my content added in: live Q&A sessions over Zoom, and …