Showing: 41 - 50 of 307 Articles

Is it important to hit the AI for total omega-6? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #211

Question: Is it important to hit the AI for total omega-6? I think it’s totally normal to not meet the AI for Omega-6 and to exceed the AI for Omega-3. Question is really, if you have systemic inflammation going on, you frame this as, should I strive to at least meet the AI for Omega-6 …

Why does it take time to be fat-adapted when our body already knows how to burn fat? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #209

Question: Why does it take time to be fat-adapted when our body already knows how to burn fat? So the body does need time to get fat-adapted because yeah, the body knows how to burn fat, but fat adaptation is not about the body knowing how to burn fat, it’s about the body increasing the …

Why would ferritin and B12 increase on a low-calorie keto diet? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #195

Question: Why would ferritin and B12 increase on a low-calorie keto diet? Ferritin is very strongly influenced by inflammation, oxidative stress. And so if the iron status is not changing and the ferritin is going up and then down, to me that suggests that oxidative stress or inflammation is increasing in the hypocaloric state. I …

Why you have to multiply labeled phosphatidylcholine by 15% | Masterjohn Q&A Files #185

Question: Why you have to multiply labeled phosphatidylcholine by 15% Yes. If a lecithin product states the phosphatidylcholine content and you want to know the choline content, multiply by 15%. If you would like to be part of the next live Ask Me Anything About Nutrition, sign up for the CMJ Masterpass, which includes access …

What if my ferritin is low, but other iron markers are normal? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #178

Question: What if my ferritin is low, but other iron markers are normal? I would first see whether getting more iron in your diet raises your transparent saturation or your iron saturation higher than 40%. If it does, then I wouldn’t push it but if it doesn’t or if your transparent saturation is significantly below …

Menstrual Migraines, Pregnancy, and HRT | Masterjohn Q&A Files #177

Question: Menstrual Migraines, Pregnancy, and HRT What I think is happening is the estrogen is probably suppressing DAO when it’s higher, but because it’s staying suppressed, there’s compensation that’s happening for it to help minimize the histamine level. Whereas when the estrogen is cyclical, it’s suppressing DAO when the body hasn’t made any adaptations to …

How do you know if skin problems are from zinc deficiency? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #175

Question: How do you know if skin problems are from zinc deficiency? I would measure plasma zinc and if the plasma zinc, the sweet spot is around 120. If the plasma zinc is in the 70 to 90 range, that’s borderline and if it’s below 70, that’s very clearly potentially related to skin problems. I …

How to increase red blood cell magnesium content? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #164

Question: How to increase red blood cell magnesium content? Well, the first thing you want to do is look at your serum levels. And if your serum levels are low, you want to look at your urinary levels. And if your serum levels are not low or especially, if your serum are high, then you …

What’s the best prenatal nutrition? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #161

Question: What’s the best prenatal nutrition? The things that sort of stick out to me are, you don’t want to be Vitamin A deficient or Vitamin A toxic, so you’re right in the middle of the range. You really don’t want to be deficient in anything. Everyone knows about folic iron which is really important, …