Review published July 31, 2013 There is no absolute right to consume or feed children any particular food. . . . There is no ‘deeply rooted’ historical tradition of unfettered access to foods of all kinds. . . . Plaintiffs’ assertion of a “fundamental right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what …
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and COVID
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and this is not medical advice. I have a PhD in Nutritional Sciences, and analyzing research on omega-3 fatty acids falls directly within my expertise, but I am not a dietitian and this is not dietary advice. Two peer-reviewed randomized, controlled trials suggest that omega-3 fatty acids help …
The One Amino Acid That Could Cure COVID
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and this is not medical advice. I have a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and this information is educational in nature. An Italian clinical trial peer-reviewed and published this past month in EClinical Medicine, one of the journals published by The Lancet, is nothing short of incredible. It provides rigorous evidence that …

What are the downsides to taking prescription calcitriol for bones? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #286
Short Answer: It requires more frequent dosing and has some risk of hypercalcemia, and it would be best to make sure you have adequate D and magnesium and aren’t overdoing anything that could deplete D, such as other fat-soluble vitamins, first. Watch the video or listen to the podcast with the links below. You can …
Vitamin D and COVID-19: The Current State of the Evidence
Note: You can watch my presentation based on this research from the 2021 Ancestral Health Symposium here, watch a much longer video that covers missing slides and answers questions about the talk here, download a PDF of my slides here, and see a short list of minor corrections to the presentation in note 1. In a …

What are the top whole food supplements to take? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #259
Please consider supporting my work by making a purchase using these links at one of my affiliates:,,,,, Plenty more at! Question: What are the top whole food supplements to take? I mean, that’s kind of too general a question, especially for end of the AMA rapid-fire. I don’t …

Floxed: How to Recover From Cipro | Masterjohn Q&A Files #249
Please consider supporting my work by making a purchase using these links at one of my affiliates:,,,,, Plenty more at! Question: Floxed: How to Recover From Cipro And a lot of these things probably have nothing to do with hydration, but are a direct result, or rather not …

Combining carbs and fat, LDL-C, calcification, and atherosclerosis | Masterjohn Q&A Files #233
Please consider supporting my work by making a purchase using these links at one of my affiliates:,,,,, Plenty more at! Question: Combining carbs and fat, LDL-C, calcification, and atherosclerosis Generally speaking, if someone is overweight and hyperglycemic, then they’re probably going to get a lot of benefit from …

Can sulforaphane hurt the thyroid? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #219
Question: Can sulforaphane hurt the thyroid? What I can say is that sulforaphane does generate thiocyanate ions, which do inhibit uptake of iodine into the thyroid and mammary glands. Although that is a matter of the ratio between isothiocyanate, or between thiocyanate ions and iodine. And so in principle, most uses of sulforaphane, in the …

Could methylglyoxal be causing elevated fasting glucose in low-carbers? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #212
Question: Could methylglyoxal be causing elevated fasting glucose in low-carbers? Yes. I did my doctoral dissertation on methylglyoxal so I’ve covered it in a lot of different contexts, and the basic story is we know that diabetics have high methylglyoxal levels. We know that diabetics have high methylglyoxal-derived advanced glycation endproducts. And we know that …