There seems to be a lot of confusion about the meaning of the term “lipid hypothesis” in pop science books, blogs, and other places. Often times, the lipid hypothesis is confused with the diet-heart hypothesis. The two are very different. The lipid hypothesis concerns the role of lipids in the blood. The diet-heart hypothesis concerns …
Fat and Cholesterol
The USDA’s New Bizarre Definition of Nutrient Density
New Post over at the WAPF Blog: The 2010 USDA/HSS Dietary Guidelines — A Rather Bizarre Definition of “Nutrient Dense”
How Evolutionary Is The New Evolution Diet? Review of Art De Vany’s New Book
My review of Art De Vany’s new book, The New Evolution Diet is now posted: How Evolutionary Is the New Evolution Diet? If you feel so inspired, come back and leave comments here!
Widely Publicized Studies Show Purified Diets Hurt Rodents But Blame It On “Fat” — Another Response to Bix Weber
A reader named “blob” asked me to respond to a recent post by the Fanatic Cook Bix Weber, “Two Studies That Link Dietary Fat to Cancer.” Both of these studies were conducted by the same group led by Philippe G. Frank, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at …
Eating Fat and Diabetes — Response to Bix Weber
Melissa McEwen recently brought to my attention a blog post by Bix Weber, the Fanatic Cook, “Diabetes is a Disorder of Fat Metabolism.” Weber cites a 2009 study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation entitled “Mitochondrial H2O2 emission and cellular redox state link excess fat intake to insulin resistance in both rodents and humans” …
Review of Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet’s “Perfect Health Diet”
Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet’s The Perfect Health Diet is a great book. I have discussed some caveats, but ultimately I think it is excellent and many people would benefit from reading it. You can read my review here: Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet’s The Perfect Health Diet If you’d like, come back and post your comments here!
Why Is My Cholesterol So High On This Diet? You May Be Curing Yourself of Fatty Liver
by Chris Masterjohn New blog over at WestonAPrice.Org about how a nourishing diet may sometimes increase blood lipids by curing somone of fatty liver disease: Why Is My Cholesterol So High On This Diet? Read more about Chris Masterjohn, PhD, here.
Meeting the Choline Requirement — Eggs, Organs, and the Wheat Paradox
In several recent posts, I argued that most of us aren’t getting enough choline, and that the disappearance of choline-rich foods like liver and egg yolks from the modern diet is likely responsible for the silent epidemic of fatty liver disease that may be afflicting 70-100 million Americans. If you missed them, you can find them …
Does Choline Deficiency Contribute to Fatty Liver in Humans
by Chris Masterjohn I hope all of those who celebrated had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Giving thanks is at least as healing as a healthy diet! For those of you who celebrated it just to eat a lot or for entirely other reasons, I hope you also had a wonderful holiday, and for those of you who did …
The Sweet Truth About Liver and Egg Yolks — Choline Matters More to Fatty Liver Than Sugar, Alcohol, or Fat
In a recent post, I pointed out that perhaps as many as 100 million Americans have some degree of fatty liver disease. Why? Alcohol has been blamed since the 1800s, but we currently have an epidemic of nonalcoholic fatty liver. Some researchers, such as Dr. Robert Lustig, are making the case against fructose. Naturally, the nutritional establishment …