Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 Articles

Wheat Belly — The Toll of Hubris on Human Health

Dr. William Davis, Milwaukee-based “preventive cardiologist” and Medical Director of the Track Your Plaque program, argues in his new book, Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, that “somewhere along the way during wheat’s history, perhaps five thousand years ago but more likely fifty years ago, wheat …

Let Us Honor Ancel Keys, Our Patron, As We Cherry Pick Studies to Bash Fructose (Revised and Extended)

My apologies to anyone who received this in their RSS feed on Thursday as a teaser.  I have now revised and extended it to include several studies showing that diet-induced obesity can be achieved in rats and mice without using any sugar at all, and have included a clearer conclusion. Ancel Keys is best known …

My New Wise Traditions Article on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

I have a new article on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease appearing in the outgoing issue of Wise Traditions, and the online version just went up on the web site: Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease — A Silent Epidemic of Nutritional Imbalance The article contains a lot of information that I’ve already posted on this blog, but …

Widely Publicized Studies Show Purified Diets Hurt Rodents But Blame It On “Fat” — Another Response to Bix Weber

A reader named “blob” asked me to respond to a recent post by the Fanatic Cook Bix Weber, “Two Studies That Link Dietary Fat to Cancer.” Both of these studies were conducted by the same group led by Philippe G. Frank, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at …

The Sweet Truth About Liver and Egg Yolks — Choline Matters More to Fatty Liver Than Sugar, Alcohol, or Fat

In a recent post, I pointed out that perhaps as many as 100 million Americans have some degree of fatty liver disease.  Why?  Alcohol has been blamed since the 1800s, but we currently have an epidemic of nonalcoholic fatty liver.  Some researchers, such as Dr. Robert Lustig, are making the case against fructose.  Naturally, the nutritional establishment …

They Did the Same Thing to the Lab Rats That They Did to Us

Once upon a time, sucrose was the main ingredient in the diet of lab rats, but now starch is used.  The government thought it knew what type of nutrition rats needed, so it recommended purified diets for the sake of science.  Then, the rats started getting diseases, so they started tweaking the purified diets.  Sound …