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These pancakes are surprisingly pancake-like and delicious when one considers how little carbohydrate is in them.  And, of course, they're gluten-free.

They're from Cooking With Coconut Flour: A Delicious Low-Carb, Gluten-Free Alternative to Wheat, by Bruce Fife, ND.

2 eggs
2 tablespoons coconut oil or melted butter
2 tablespoons coconut milk or whole milk
1 teaspoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sifted coconut flour
1/8 teaspoon baking powder

Blend together eggs, oil, coconut milk, sugar, and salt.  Combine coconut flour and baking powder and thoroughly mix into batter.  Heat 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in a skillet.  Spoon batter onto hot skillet making pancakes about 2.5 to 3 inches in diameter.  Batter will be thick but will flatten out when cooking.  Makes about 8 pancakes.

Pecan Pancakes  Make pancakes as directed above and add 1/2 cup of chopped pecans.
Blueberry Pancakes Make pancakes as directed and, after mixing in the coconut milk, fold in 1/2 cup of dry fresh blueberries.


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  1. Delicious, thanks for posting the recipe, Chris! One note: the recipe makes 8 pancakes only if you like tiny pancakes. This made about 3 normal pan-sized pancakes (8" or so). I made a triple recipe and it was barely enough for 4 people. For anyone with a healthy appetite, this recipe is enough for one person, so multiply by the number of people you are serving.

    Question: WAPF's concern with powdered milk is that it can contain oxidized cholesterol as a byproduct of the processing. Do you think there is a similar concern with coconut flour? I'm not sure whether high temperatures or pressures are used to make the flour. Plant foods don't contain cholesterol, but they often contain plant sterols that presumably can also oxidize and be unhealthful to consume.

  2. Hey everyone, you're welcome for the recipe, glad some of you tried and liked it! I agree coconut flour seems newfangled, but I had no idea that coconuts were high in phytate. In any case, I wouldn't worry about using two tablespoons in the occasional pancake recipe. Grass-fed momma, unfortunately, I don't eat 100% gluten-free, and I generally don't use gluten-free substitutes, but perhaps others can chime in!


  3. Thanks for the recipe Chris. I've made a few coconut pastries in the last year using coconut flour.

    Do you have any concern about the phytic acid content in coconut flour? ACcording to Sally Fallon at this year's conference, it's pretty high.

    It also seems to be somewhat of a 'newfangled' food; as far as I know, no cultures used coconut flour traditionally.

  4. I make similar coconut flour pancakes when my son has a sleepover with friend(s). Sometimes I add a heaping teaspoon of Dutch cocoa (richer flavor and darker color than regular cocoa).

    I always make extras to use for "bread" with almond butter for a quick snack later.

    I've even made an easy mock "trifle" dessert with leftover cocoa-coconut flour pancakes with fresh berries, Crema di Mascarpone, and whipped cream. Looks lovely layered in a small drinking glass.

  5. I saw this and made them within 5 minutes just now. They were amazing! I already want to make them again. "Yum" is right!

    *used 1 tbsp coconut oil and 1 tbsp butter
    *subbed coconut milk with 1 tbsp buttermilk and 1 tbsp heavy cream (only bcuz I didn't have whole raw milk or coconut milk)
    *subbed 1 tsp sugar with 1 tsp of spoon-able stevia powder
    *added in 1 capful of pure vanilla
    *added blueberries

    check out the pics!! (sorry i tried like 5 different ways to make them click-able. couldn't figure it out) 🙁

  6. Here's an old mix, strain and serve recipe ready for a New Year come back. Ayurveda gave it for intellect, psychic disorders and epilepsy.

    1 phalam (5 drops) cow urine (removes sin)
    3 phalam curd (many progeny)
    1 phalam ghee (state of grace)
    3 phalam Kusha juice (Vishnu's grass)
    7 phalam milk (health)
    1/2 thumb of cow dung (Lakshmi's fortune)

  7. I make similar pancakes with no sweetener at all in the pancakes. For sweetness, I cook down some frozen raspberries into a fruit syrup with a tablespoon or two of maple syrup plus some stevia extract to kick up the sweetness.

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