Showing: 211 - 220 of 307 Articles

MWM 2.8: 7 Unforgettable Things About α-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase

This complex is so rich in biochemical concepts and relevance to health and disease. Having done the dirty work of looking at its organic chemistry mechanisms in the last lesson, here we explore broadly applicable biochemistry principles like energetic coupling and substrate channeling. We look at how thiamin deficiency, oxidative stress, arsenic, and heavy metal poisoning …

Chris Masterjohn, PhD shared about about consuming glutathione.

Consuming Glutathione in Foods and Supplements

Glutathione is amazing. Ever the underdog, few people have heard of this molecule, yet it supports nearly every aspect of our health. Consider these incredible properties: By acting as an antioxidant, it prevents wear and tear on your tissues, helping you stay youthful, age gracefully, and remain free of chronic diseases. By supporting every-day detoxification, it does …