Showing: 61 - 70 of 307 Articles
Herd Immunity and COVID-19

Are We Already Reaching Herd Immunity?

 August 29, 2020 Two recent preprints* (here and here) suggest that herd immunity to COVID-19 is closer at hand than most of us, including myself, have thought, and that it has already been reached in New York City. I am not an epidemiologist, so critiquing the formulas and methods in these papers is beyond my …

Is hydrogen sulfide produced in the gut a bad thing, and what to do about it? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #129

Question: Is hydrogen sulfide produced in the gut a bad thing, and what to do about it? I agree that most people that have this problem have some kind of deranged sulfur metabolism, but I don’t see why that makes it a physiological adaptation rather than a pathological condition. The correlation is probably a direct …

How Diabetes, Like Sugar, May Fuel Viral Growth

August 24, 2020 In response to yesterday’s newsletter on sugar, one of you asked: Could this be why people with diabetes seem susceptible? I’m guessing if they have elevated blood sugar levels this could make viral replication stronger? Diabetics do not seem to have an increased incidence of COVID-19, but those who get COVID-19 have much …

How does someone get arachidonic acid and choline without eggs and liver? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #127

Question: How does someone get arachidonic acid and choline without eggs and liver? So apart from liver and egg yolks, I think that it is very difficult to get enough arachidonic acid from food. Yes, GLA might help, but there’s actually arachiodonic acid supplements. And for the vegans out there, I don’t know if the …

Whey Protein, Breast Milk, and COVID-19

August 20, 2020 In a preprint* released today, researchers from China provided evidence that human breast milk, and to a lesser extent milk and whey protein from cows and goats, inhibits the replication of a “pseudovirus” model of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. These results raise the possibility that the protective properties of breast …

Nutritional suggestions for SI joint pain and sulfur sensitivity? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #126

Question: Nutritional suggestions for SI joint pain and sulfur sensitivity? So certainly if it’s autoimmunity, I’m thinking you might have problems with folate, where you might want to lower folate intake. You might benefit from having more A and D. You might benefit from removing hypothetically pro-inflammatory foods. Magnesium is important. Acid-base balance is important. …

If it’s easier to store fat than to convert carbs to fat, why is it easier to lose weight on low-carb? | Masterjohn Q&A Files #125

Question: If it’s easier to store fat than to convert carbs to fat, why is it easier to lose weight on low-carb? It’s easier to store dietary fat as fat than it is to store dietary carbs. Why is it easier to lose weight on the keto diet than a higher carb diet assuming isocaloric? …

Vitamin K and COVID-19

August 16, 2020 Researchers from The Netherlands released a preprint* on April 25 that they then revised on May 29 suggesting that vitamin K, especially in the form vitamin K2, may benefit the lungs in severe COVID-19. What They Studied Their analysis included 134 subjects hospitalized for COVID-19 between March 12 and April 11. Their …

14.5% off SaunaSpace Saunas and Accessories

Members of the CMJ Masterpass now have exclusive access to the following discount: 14.5% off SaunaSpace saunas and accessories. This can save you HUNDREDS of dollars. Saunas are among the most popular requests for our exclusive discount program, and the first one we have available is SaunaSpace. SaunaSpace is EMF-free, and its Faraday model even shields you from ambient EMF …

An Update on the Safety of Indoor Air

I was recording a podcast version of How Dangerous Is the Indoor Air in Public Spaces? today and discussing an addendum I made on Twitter where I estimated that a coffee shop would require 70 square feet of space per person spending three minutes while waiting for an order to minimize the risk of infection …