Chris Masterjohn and Dr. Michael Ruscio Discuss Optimal Vitamin D Status

Chris Masterjohn and Dr. Michael Ruscio Discuss Optimal Vitamin D Status

If you follow Dr. Michael Ruscio, you may have seen this a few weeks ago. I was swamped when it came out and dropped the ball on promoting it in a timely fashion. But if you get the news about my guest podcasts from me, then this is new for you.

This one's all about how to determine your optimal vitamin D status. Here are some things we cover:

  • Why low 25(OH)D could be a marker of a health condition that needs more extensive consideration rather than simply an indicator you need to supplement.
  • Why low 25(OH)D could even reflect good things going on in your body rather than bad things.
  • How to use parathryoid hormone (PTH) to help individualize the interpretation of your vitamin D status even without a thorough understanding of your genetics.
  • How magnesium deficiency could ruin the interpretation of PTH.
  • Why vitamin D won't optimize your sex hormones on its own in most cases, but could be helpful toward that purpose when provided with its synergistic partners or in specific cases where it can be identified as the weakest link in sex hormone production.

You can stream the podcast here:

Or, use this link to stream by left-clicking (regular click on Mac) or to download by right-clicking (control click on Mac).

Finally, you can head over to Dr. Ruscio's show notes for a time map, comments, and a full transcript.

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  1. Hi Chris,

    During a 2017 interview on Health Geeks radio, you mentioned that pastured chickens’ egg yolks have lots of vitamin D3 as chickens make vitamin D3 when they spend time in the sun, just like humans.

    Does pastured chickens’ fat also contain lots of vitamin D3? For example, much more vitamin D3 than beef fat, which is low in vitamin D3. Thank you!

    1. Hi HQ,

      This isn’t my platform, it is Dr. Ruscio’s.

      That said, your comment is, as stated, simply wrong. It may be easier for you to use youtube, but it is easier for others to use podcasts. For me, podcasts in the iOS app are thousands of times easier than anything broadcast in a browser, and YouTube is very inconvenient because it wants to charge money to keep the audio on while using other apps. So, to listen to something while also doing something else or while shutting the screen off I have to open it in safari, go out of safari, then open Now Playing, and even that can’t be done in airplane mode.

      So, I believe you that for your purpose in your particular lifestyle youtube is easier, but it isn’t objectively easier.

      The way I see it is rather simple. YouTube is optimized for video. Podcasts are optimized for audio. So, I will put audio in podcasts and video in YouTube.


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