Showing: 141 - 150 of 307 Articles
The Latest Ask Me Anything About Nutrition!

Ask Me Anything About Nutrition, Feb 23, 2019

On February 23, members of the CMJ Masterpass joined me in a live Zoom meeting to ask me anything about nutrition, and here’s the full recording! We talked about lots and lots of things: 5-HTP versus tryptophan; unusually low appetite, my recommendations for glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency; choline and cognitive decline; how to gain muscle …

You have canceled your enrollment in Vitamins and Minerals 101

You are no longer enrolled in Vitamins and Minerals 101. If you would ever like to start the course over, you will have to start from the beginning again, but you can enroll for free by email, or in Facebook Messenger. (In Messenger, you should be immediately prompted to subscribe. If you aren’t, just open …