Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

How to Do a Proper Self-Experiment, and Why Your “N” Doesn’t Technically Equal “1”

Aravind recently suggested in the comments that I write a blog post about a discussion he and I had in the hallway at the Ancestral Health Symposium about “n=1 experiments.”  The thrust of this discussion was that if you want to do a true self-experiment where you can definitively demonstrate cause and effect, you can actually conduct a …

High-Fructose Corn Syrup is Sweet Poison, Honey Is Yummy — Against “Pulling a Campbell”

I’m sure you’ve seen the commercials.  A spiffy salesman walks on screen, smiles, and says “Hi, I’m from the Corn Refiners Association, and I’m here to sell you the new American Dream.  You can have all the degenerative diseases of modern civilization in a package deal so cheap it’s practically free.  All you have to pay …